
Privest is a protectant fungicide for use in the early stages of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potato.


Privest is a protectant fungicide for use in the early stages of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potato.

Product Details

Active Ingredient(s)75 g/l ametoctradin and 453 g/l potassium phosphonates
FormulationSuspension concentrate (SC)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
CropsAll varieties of potato, including seed crops
Disease activityLate blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans)
Maximum individual dose3.2 litres per hectare
Maximum total dose9.6 litres per hectare
Maximum number of applicationsThree per crop
Latest time of application7 days before harvest
Water volume200-500 litres per hectare
Other specific restrictions
• To protect groundwater do not apply this product or any other product containing ametoctradin to the same area in consecutive years
• Do not apply by hand-held equipment
• A minimum interval of 5 days between applications must be respected
Active Ingredient(s)75 g/l ametoctradin and 453 g/l potassium phosphonates
FormulationSuspension concentrate (SC)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
CropsAll varieties of potato, including seed crops
Disease activityLate blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans)
Maximum individual dose3.2 litres per hectare
Maximum total dose9.6 litres per hectare
Maximum number of applicationsThree per crop
Latest time of application7 days before harvest
Water volume200-500 litres per hectare
Other specific restrictions
• To protect groundwater do not apply this product or any other product containing ametoctradin to the same area in consecutive years
• Do not apply by hand-held equipment
• A minimum interval of 5 days between applications must be respected